News New OEM data loggers for easy integration into your application 2

New OEM data loggers for easy integration into your application

Lascar is excited to announce their new lineup of panel-mounted four-channel Temperature Data Loggers. The EL-SGD 43-ATP and EL-SGD 70-ATP data logging kits allow you to log and display temperature, set and view alarms, create summary reports for further analysis as well export data. Available in an easy-mount format for integration into another product or […]

News Lascar Launches data logging on PanelPilotACE

Lascar Launches data logging on PanelPilotACE

Lascar has added data logging functionality to SGD 43-A and the SGD 70-A. The 4.3” and 7″ capacitive display data loggers have up to four available channels and are supplied with compatible thermistor probes (EL-PROBE2-1.0M-TP) The logger can store up to 1,000,000 readings per channel and can display the data via live trend graphs, real-time […]

Lascar Launches RS485 For PanelPilotACE

Lascar Launches RS485 for PanelPilotACE

Lascar has launched RS485 comms for both SGD 43-A and SGD 70-A. The software currently supports ASCII based serial communication as well as the MODBUS (RTU) protocol with more protocols planned for release later in the year. Lascar’s 7” display, the SGD 70-A, already accommodates RS485 comms with no additional hardware required. For users of […]

New Remote 21CFR Data Logging System

Lascar Launches New Remote 21CFR Data Logging System

Lascar has launched a new series of eleven 21CFR-enabled WiFi loggers with their own 21CFR cloud-based monitoring system. The new range includes two internal temperature sensor products EL-WIFI-21CFR-T and a higher accuracy version EL-WIFI-21CFR-T+; a temperature and humidity logger EL-WIFI-21CFR-TH and a higher accuracy version EL-WIFI-21CFR-TH+; two external thermocouple probe loggers including the single channel […]

7" Display

Lascar Launches New 7″ No Code Display

Lascar Electronics has announced major updates to both the hardware and software of its PanelPilotACE display platform. The upgraded PanelPilotACE Design Studio software brings the functionality of its EasyLog data loggers to PanelPilotACE displays for the first time. Along with the updated software Lascar has also expanded the hardware options available to engineers with the […]

Device Coverage

Device convergence – consumer products drive the industry space

The best thing about the iPhone is that it isn’t just a phone – it’s a myriad of devices all in one box. This type of ‘device convergence’ is happening all around us and as we are becoming more familiar with it, we can’t help but expect it – even in the industrial equipment space. […]